Building horticultural knowledge with creativity
We aim to change the relationship Northernn Ireland people have with their food chain; to promote friendly, sustainable and ethical gardening and provide local employment opportunities. Why not try vegetable growing in your urban space....try our 1m Feedbank Challenge
Gill McNeill
Good to Grow post holding: Secretary
Horticulturalist (FdSc Horticulture), NUJ freelance journalist, CIM marketer and graphic designer, currently studying Horticulture Therapy ….. when she isn’t growing vegetables she is cooking them for dinner!
Gill has worked within print media for 32 years. As a NUJ freelance journalist, CIM marketer and graphic designer, she started her own full service agency in 1992, bringing a tailored personable approach to PR, design, marketing, publishing and event-management. This included initiating and producing LifestyleGreen, the first sustainability magazine and show in the UK and Ireland. She has worked for many charities, covering a diversity of social issues such as mental health, dementia care, support for older people and premature baby services.
With relevance to Good to Grow, she brings experience from sustainability posts as Marketing and Communications Manager at WWT Castle Espie, PR & Communications Manager with the Bryson Charitable Group, communications with Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful and her work locally with the Cooperative Foundation and as joint founding member of Down to Earth (NI), a green burial cooperative.
With a keen interest in the urban environment, when she isn’t growing vegetables she is cooking them for dinner!