Building horticultural knowledge with creativity
We aim to change the relationship Northernn Ireland people have with their food chain; to promote friendly, sustainable and ethical gardening and provide local employment opportunities. Why not try vegetable growing in your urban space....try our 1m Feedbank Challenge

Paul Williamson
Good to Grow post holding: Chair
Horticulturist (currently completing Fdsc in Horticulture). Main interest is Urban Conservation and how we can collectively help at a macro and micro level to reduce the negative impact on the environment and wildlife.
Paul is currently completing the final year of the Foundation course in Horticulture at Greenmount College, Antrim. He previously completed the Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Horticulture at Greenmount. The Diploma helped Paul gain onsite practical experience as well as theoretical knowledge in horticulture. During this time he completed student placements with a charity focussed on horticulture therapy and the National Trust at Mount Stewart.
Paul has worked with Mental Health services for many years. He developed an interest in horticulture as a tool to help people experiencing anxiety, low mood, stress, etc… to escape for a time, reconnect with nature, their food chain, wildlife and practice mindfulness in a world where at times it seems nothing stands still. His particular interest in making that reconnection with nature in urban areas and in private/community gardens.